Tulp Parrot Estella Rijnveld x7 12/+s

EAN: 8719274541325

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Afname per 10
EAN 8719274541325
Siezoen Höst
Serie Parrot Tulips
Standplaats Half zon - Half Schaduw
Inhoud 7 BULBS
Maat 12/+ cm
Hoogte 50-60 cm
Plant afstand 10 cm
Plant diepte 10 cm
Plant tijd 9-12
Extra omschrijving Introducing the dazzling Parrot Tulip 'Estella Rijnveld,' a vibrant celebration of spring's joy and exuberance. With its fiery display of red and white petals, adorned with occasional brushstrokes of green, 'Estella Rijnveld' is sure to ignite your garden with its colorful charm. What makes 'Estella Rijnveld' truly special is its deeply-fringed and exceptionally large petals, reminiscent of the plumage of exotic forest birds. This unique characteristic adds a touch of whimsy and festivity to your outdoor space, creating a captivating display that will bring delight to any observer. Plant these delightful tulips in garden beds, borders, or containers, and witness as they burst into bloom, infusing your garden with energy and vitality. Whether enjoyed up close or admired from afar, the beauty of 'Estella Rijnveld' is certain to bring a smile to your face and uplift your spirits. Don't miss the opportunity to welcome the playful charm of Tulip 'Estella Rijnveld' into your garden. Order now and experience the joy of springtime in full bloom.

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